Ochs Inc. Offers Competitive Products – Gains Market Share in Texas

     Last year we worked on behalf of several political subdivisions throughout Texas in assisting them in the competitive procurement of insurance cover. Ochs Inc. found out about these RFP’s and submitted proposals. We had never heard of them before. In each case, Ochs Inc. provide the most competitive and comprehensive cover and was awarded the business.

We received this email this morning:

Attached please take a look at highlight sheets with information on the Municipal Pool, Minnesota Life and Ochs, Inc.. Feel free to share the attached information with your clients. If you have liked our competitive pricing and plan designs in the past and we are excited to share the enhancements we have to offer in 2011. Please keep us in mind for quotes for your Municipal Clients under 1000 lives. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Bill Ochs | Chief Operating Officer  A Securian Company | www.ochsinc.com 400 Robert Street North Suite 1880 St. Paul, MN 55101 | 651-665-3789 | 800-392-7295 | fax 651-665-3791
