Molly Mulebriar reports that the Texas Municipal League (TML) has submitted a proposal for managing the Brownsville Independent School District’s self-funded medical program. TML works with various political subdivisions throughout the state such as the City of Brownsville.
A community based health plan encompassing the school district, the City of Brownsville and Cameron County is gaining traction with local power brokers. Blue Cross currently insures the county, TML insures the city, but neither currently handle the BISD account.
Both TML and Blue Cross know that the BISD account is key to forming a community based health care program. Local hospitals know the advantages of forming an ACO (Accountable Care Organization) as outlined in the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare). Mulebriar reports that leaders of the local provider community, who have a vested interest in the BISD +$50,000,000 health care honey pot, are bending ears and jockeying for position.
Mulebriar reports that stop loss insurance will not be a deciding issue in her opinion. ING, the current stop loss carrier will not lose the business, opines Mulebriar, since ING is likely the only stop loss carrier that has good claim data to properly evaluate the risk.
Blue Cross has their own proprietary network while TML uses United HealthCare’s national network.
Ultimately, in Mulebriar’s opinion, the decision of the BISD School Board will be based on who has the best PPO discounts in town. The PPO analysis to be performed by the district’s consultant will be pivotal to the process according to Mulebriar’s sources.