To Disarm BUCA’s You Need To Eliminate Employer Based Insurance

Traditional Group Health Insurance vs Individual Health Insurance

Comments By Joe Markland on Linkedin

If individual’s get to choose plans in local markets you will see that the BUCA’s do not have the same power. Individuals will not mind smaller networks in exchange for cost savings. They don’t care about brand, though in their local markets local HMO’s do carry weight. Individuals will buy different from an employer who needs “BIG” to cover a broad population often across State lines. Most don’t need to “pre-pay” for oil changes.

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Texas Company Sues +70 Insurance Companies

Texas COVID-19 Testing Provider Sues Insurance Companies Over Reimbursement Denial | Law Street Media

COVID-19 testing company Diagnostic Affiliates of Northeast Hou LLC filed a complaint on Monday against health plan companies Entrust LLC, operating under the name 90 Degree Benefits, and Texas School Health Benefits Program for allegedly violating federal requirements to cover COVID-19 testing services. 

Continue reading Texas Company Sues +70 Insurance Companies