Attention Bidders: McAllen ISD INVITES your bid on RFP No. 2012-096 – Self-Insured and Fully Insured Health Plan and Related Services.
BIDS three (one copy should be hard copy, and the other two copies are to be submitted on CD or FLASH DRIVE in one (1) single file) SHALL BE RECEIVED at Purchasing Services, 4309 Warrior Drive, Bldg. C, McAllen, Texas NO LATER THAN: 3:00:00 PM local time, Wednesday, February 13, 2013. Bids received after this deadline shall be considered void and unacceptable and will be returned upon written request at bidder’s expense. McAllen ISD will not be responsible for mis-sent or misplaced proposals. Unsigned bids shall not be considered. FACSIMILE TRANSMITTALS SHALL NOT BE ACCEPTED. (digital signatures will be acceptable).
The specifications will be available to interested parties on or after January 16, 2013. The Request for Proposal package will ONLY be available online. To obtain a copy of this RFP, please register at
Any questions regarding this RFP must be emailed through the “Questions” option located within the solicitation posted on The Public Purchase website,tx no later than 10:00 AM, Wednesday, February 6, 2013. Questions/clarifications regarding this bid will not be answered by phone.
Julie Hernandez, MISD Senior Buyer
McAllen ISD is on Facebook. You can also follow us on Twitter by texting “follow McAllenISD” to 40404.
Editor’s Note: Placing a bet on Aetna may bring odds of 20 to 1.