This excellent White Paper examines some of the implications for health care financing and delivery were the U.S. government to supplant employers as the financer of medical care for most workers and their families…………………….
The reader will glean valuable insight of our current health care system. For example, according to the author private pay insurance average reimbursement relative to Medicare equals 167% for hospital and 133% for doctor. Reference Based Pricing (RBP) proponents should take note of this.
“[This paper examines] the provenance, evolution, advantages and limitations of the leading source of coverage in the United States: employer-sponsored insurance (ESI). It will then examine some of the implications for health care financing and delivery were the U.S. government to supplant employers as the financer of medical care for most workers and their families…. The paper is not intended as a cost estimate or predictive model but rather as a way to identify and, in a more general sense, to quantify the implications of replacing ESI with government financing.”
Galen Institute