Does your TPA, broker or consultant provide actuarial support as part of their service offering? An actuarial analysis should be performed annually. A small cost factor in overall plan spend, actuaries provide essential services important to fulfilling fiduciary duties.
Sierra-Berkshire Associates, Inc. is a Nevada corporation, incorporated in February, 1996. The company’s main office is located in Reno, Nevada. Principal Associates are also located in Las Vegas, NV and in the Hartford, CT area.
The company was formed to provide Health, Life & Disability actuarial consulting services for employee benefit plan sponsors, insurance carriers, hospital, physician & other provider groups, and for TPA’s & marketing firms.
With 125+ years of combined experience, SBA consultants have extensive knowledge related to the needs of its clients. Each SBA principal associate’s career includes 10+ years of employment with insurance companies and an additional 10+ years consulting for one or more of the following clients: insurance/reinsurance companies, governmental & private industry employers, unions and hospital & physician provider groups. Reinsurance facility & Third Party Administrator management as well as underwriting authority for insurers & reinsurers are additional areas of experience gained by one or more of SBA’s consultants.
SBA consultants’ management experience with insurance carriers, managing general underwriters & Third Party Administrators and as consultants to government & industry groups enables our consultants to readily understand and reconcile the needs of both the insurance risk takers and the insurance risks themselves.
Services Include:
- Actuarial Opinions
- Captive Insurance Company
- Formation Assistance
- Offshore & U.S. Formations
- Regulatory Financial Reports
- Captive Manager Negotiation
- Claim Reserve Analysis & Calculation
- Group Disability Income
- Medical, Dental, Prescription Drug, Vision
- Expert Witness Testimony
- Financial Reporting
- Annual Statement Preparation
- Quarterly Statement Preparation
- Other Regulatory Reports
- Group Dental, Prescription Drugs & Vision
- Plan Design and Pricing
- Insurance Carrier Negotiations
- Loss Experience Analysis
- Group Disability Income
- Plan Design and Pricing
- Insurance Carrier Negotiations
- Loss Experience Analysis
- Group Medical – Self Funded/Fully Insured
- Claim Cost Analysis & Projection
- IBNR Calculation & Analysis
- PPACA Essential Health Benefits Certification
- PPACA Minimum Essential Coverage Certification
- Stop Loss Analysis & Recommendations
- Retiree Liabilities Valuation
- Insurance Companies
- Annual/Quarterly Statement Preparation
- Product Development & Management
- Life & Disability Income
- Medical, Dental, Drug & Vision Plans
- Group Underwriting
- Loss Experience Analysis & Projections
- Management of Blocks of Business
- Managed Care Evaluation
- Monte Carlo Financial Simulations
- New Business Referral & Analysis
- Pricing & Reserve Models
- Risk Assessment Methods
- Workers Compensation (Management)
- Life Insurance Settlements
- Intermediary for Portfolio Buyers & Sellers
- Pricing Algorithms Development
- Liabilities Modeling for Financiers
- Medical Clinics
- Utilization Cost Analysis & Projections
- Utilization Experience Analysis
- Provider Fee Structure Analysis
- Provider Excess Carrier Negotiations
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Buyer/Seller/Financier Assistance
- Business Plan Development
- Valuation & Due Diligence of Targets
- Plan Actuarial Value Assessment
- Essential Health Benefits Certification
- Minimum Essential Coverage Certification
- Provider Networks
- Fee Analysis & Recommendations
- Managed Care Vendors Evaluation
- Reinsurance Companies
- Loss Experience Analysis & Projections
- Management of Blocks of Business
- New Business Referral & Analysis
- Reinsurance Facility Management
- Stop Loss Underwriting & Analysis
Principal Associates:
Co-founder and Chairman of the Board has 40+ years experience marketing Group Health, Dental, Disability and Life plans, including self-funded, principally with Phoenix Life. 15+ years experience working with EPO’s & other managed care networks. 15+ years consulting experience, with emphasis on program development & marketing. Arranged Excess Loss reinsurance line with major U.S. & European carriers in 1988 for Midwest-based insurance company, generating $15,000,000+ Excess premium.
Co-founder & President has 40+ years in Group Life Health, Dental & Disability field, including 15+ years with Phoenix Life & John Alden Life. 8 years in TPA management. 15+ years consul-ting experience, with emphasis on program development, operations & results analysis. Strong background in underwriting, product & rate development, reserving, loss expense analysis, administration & claims management, contract writing and regulatory compliance. 10 years Stop Loss underwriting experience.
Fellow of the Society of Actuaries since 1989. Member of the American Academy of Actuaries since 1987. 25+ years in the Group Health, Dental, Disability, Life and reinsurance field with major U.S. insurers & reinsurers. 10+ years actuarial consulting experience, with emphasis on product design and pricing, reinsurance management & negotiations, evaluation of managed care networks and provider contracts, health care cost projections, reserving and financial results analysis. Actuary consultant to New York-domiciled Life & Health insurance companies.
Fellow of the Society of Actuaries since 1989. Member of the American Academy of Actuaries since 1987. 30+ years in the Group Health, Dental, Disability, Life and reinsurance field with major U.S. insurers & reinsurers. 10+ years actuarial consulting experience, with emphasis on product design. & pricing, reinsurance management & negotiations, pricing & design of disability products, health care cost projections, reserving & financial results analysis.
Contact Information:
Mailing Address:
Sierra-Berkshire Associates, Inc.
P.O. Box 61255
Reno, NV 89506-0024
Telephone: (775) 829-8722
Principal Associates:
William L. Ebaugh
Kevin K. Gabriel, MBA, FSA, MAAA
Paul J. Kovacic, CLU
Martin J. Loughlin, FSA, MAAA