Healthcare Class 101 is now in session. Read each question carefully and answer to the best of your ability. There are no trick or multiple choice questions. You have three minutes to complete the test.
Which Network Has The Best Prices?
_____Blue Cross
_____United HealthCare
Which Network Has The Most Transparent Pricing?
_____Blue Cross
_____United HealthCare
Which Network Has The Lowest Access Fees?
_____Blue Cross
_____United HealthCare
Test Results nationally suggest the best managed care network is the one touted by your health insurance broker otherwise he or she would be wrong and plan sponsors embarrassed.
CFO’s whose business is the business of money are conditioned to look away when it comes to company health care expenses, leaving that responsibility to HR, the BUCAs best friend and collaborator.
The correct answer is Medicare, a federal government managed care network with the lowest prices, broadest network with transparent pricing anyone can look up on the internet.
Grandmothers and indians across the Fruited Plains recommend it.
(Each posting is <1 minute read)
What If Commercial Health Plans Paid 100% of Medicare……………..
Renting Medicare’s Provider Network
Private Payers Pay 2.7 Times on Average What Medicare Pays Hospitals
Medicare-For-All Gaining Support Among Businesses?
Medicare For All Already Exists
Insurer Paid +300% of Medicare But The Discount Was Really Good
Hospital Insults Plan Sponsor – Wants 1,947% of Medicare
Is 150% of Medicare The RBR Sweet Spot?
RBP Quiz – What Level Of Benefits Will 100% of Medicare Buy?
70% of Americans Back Medicare For All?
Do Hospitals Lose Money on Medicare?