Writing group medical insurance is a pain in the ass. You need detailed claim information for the past two years, census data, large case management notes and a whole lot of patience working with picky underwriters who always want more. Getting a firm quote takes days and weeks.
On the other hand selling individual health insurance is easy. No underwriting, shelf rates. Why can’t group health insurance be that way?
Well, it can be with Benefit Systems, the only marketplace where Brokers, MGU’s and Carriers can obtain bindable quotes within minutes for small and medium sized employers.
Through the industry’s fastest underwriting and broker-quoting platform, Do It Yourself Benefit Systems (eDIYBS), a proprietary technology of Health In Tech, users can produce a proposal in as little as 2 minutes or less.
Medically Underwritten Proposal in Minutes!
12 Plans. 4 Tier Rates. 2 Minutes.
+ Produce a firm, bindable proposal that has 12 plans with 4 tier rates in only 2 minutes!
+ Design your own health plans and use them in seconds.
+ Brokers can quote within a TPAs own system.
Disruptive innovation that reimagines self-funding for small groups – Health In Tech