“In risk transfer one must always keep in mind that, by definition, there will be a loser for every winner” – Carlton Harker
Continue reading Did You Lose or Win?“In risk transfer one must always keep in mind that, by definition, there will be a loser for every winner” – Carlton Harker
Continue reading Did You Lose or Win?By Jody Bright
In the world of risk pools such as Multiple Employer Trusts (METs), Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements (MEWAs), Interlocal Governmental Agreements, and other risk cooperatives and even Captive Insurance Companies size is not the real magic. Yes, there are inherent benefits to size and creating opportunities to bring home greater savings are among these but without a differentiating risk strategy the risks could outweigh the advantages.
Continue reading The Bubonic Plague of Risk PoolsBy Paul Miller
American actor Jimmy Durante’s nose became his trademark and so, he insured it at Lloyd’s as a publicity stunt for $140,000.
Continue reading More Lloyds of London History By MillerThe Affordable Care Act (ACA) gives more people access to health insurance. Use the ACA’s Health Insurance Marketplace to find health insurance options.
Continue reading How To Get Free, Or Almost Free Health Insurance