Today I received an email asking if I wanted to be the “…only pain management/orthopedic practice that CVS recommends to all their customers for a year…”
Just another nail in the coffin for CVS. I have had many patients come in to the office concerned about their post-surgical pain pill prescription being arbitrarily reduced by the corporate business leaders of CVS pharmacy without any knowledge of the specific patient or procedure or clinical situation. Corporate practice of medicine, right?
Today I received an email asking if I wanted to be the “…only pain management/orthopedic practice that CVS recommends to all their customers for a year…” They will list my practice on their prescription bags that all the customers get their prescriptions in. For only $1400 a year I can choose any two pharmacies. If I proposed this marketing deal some would suggest that it could be a STARK or kickback violation and not just advertising…..especially if I have an Aetna contract and CVS is allowed to buy Aetna.