“I come from an environment where if you see a snake, you kill it. At GM, if you see a snake, the first thing you do is hire a snake consultant. Then you get a committee on snakes and discuss it for a couple of years.” – Ross Perot
Molly Mulebriar Opines:
This is a description that fits most plan sponsors these days, especially political subdivisions. Lack of strong leadership and failure to think out-of-the-box paralyzes cowardly plan sponsors into expensive inaction. These do-nothing, spineless reptilian lemmings continue to bitch about ever increasing health care costs yet refuse to recognize and consider common sense solutions.
Snake Killer consultants vs Animal Rights consultants can make the difference between profit and loss for many plan sponsors. Which one is yours?

Mulebriar is a free lance reporterette from Waring, Texas. She is a former 1982 Miss Texas runner up. In her spare time she enjoys bull fighting, jalapeno eating contests (1999 Texas Champion) and knitting.