Reference Based Pricing Network

USA Managed Care Organization, Inc. (USA MCO) introduces Alter-Net Medical Services, Inc.  Alter-Net offers self-funded employer groups and insurance companies a predictable payment model through Alter-Net’s Reference-Based Pricing Network.

Employer Groups, Providers and Payors alike are not exempt from the pressures of rising healthcare costs and the administrative issues with lack of transparency.

  • Eliminates balance billing and litigation by securing contracts with facilities and providers.
  • RBP rates based on Medicare plus.
  • Predictability – costs and payments are pre-determined; the plan and the patient are better able to anticipate and handle healthcare expenses.
  • Fair pricing for both Provider as well as Patient.
  • Self-insured and self-funded employer groups educate their employees on pricing/payments and what the employee owes (less unexpected and unprepared patients).

This predictable payment model reimburses based on a percent of current year Medicare rates. Alter-Net’s intent is to connect local providers with neighboring employer groups and insurance companies to promote transparency in reimbursements and ensure providers are paid fairly and timely.

For more information about Alter-Net’s Reference-Based Pricing Network, please contact USA’s Contracting Department at 800-872-0820. is a specialty company in the benefits market that, while not an insurance company, works directly with health entities, medical providers, and businesses to identify and develop cost effective benefits packages, emphasizing transparency and fairness in direct reimbursement compensation methods. MedSave Management LLC, a company, provides direct provider contracting for Reference Based Pricing plans