Phia Group Announces Implant Cost Pro Service


“Implant Cost Pro” Case Study:  A self-funded benefit plan, which had historically secured a 10% discount with an ambulatory surgical center for services involving implants, advanced a $91,000 implant claim to The Phia Group.  Utilizing the Implant Cost Pro service, leveraging cost data and innovative arguments, The Phia Group ultimately secured a negotiated payment of only $22,000; a net 76% or $69,000 in savings.

January 6, 2015; Braintree, MA 

Even the most diligent administrator feels powerless in the face of excessive implant costs, finding it nearly impossible to negotiate claims with providers, or apply reasonable and appropriate pricing.  Securing provider invoices and reliable, accurate cost data for surgical implants has not been possible . . . until now.

In keeping with its commitment to Empowering Plans™, The Phia Group is pleased to introduce Implant Cost Pro,a comprehensive program that combines targeted implant data, industry expertise, and negotiation by attorneys.  Implant Cost Pro clients secure the best savings on high-dollar implant claims.

The Data: Many providers negotiate rates with implant suppliers, using comparative data when making their purchases.  The Phia Group taps into this data and uses it to define and agree upon equitable, market-based prices for implants. Using the most accurate data available,The Phia Group places payers on a level playing field with the providers, maximizing savings.

The Negotiators: A cost containment program is only as good as the people executing it.  The Phia Group’s utilization of resourceful attorneys, familiar with the intricacies of this industry as well as the targeted data, creates unmatched results.  The Phia Group’s legal expertise combines with objective cost data, yielding enforceable savings.

“Implant Cost Pro” Case Study:  A self-funded benefit plan, which had historically secured a 10% discount with an ambulatory surgical center for services involving implants, advanced a $91,000 implant claim to The Phia Group.  Utilizing the Implant Cost Pro service, leveraging cost data and innovative arguments, The Phia Group ultimately secured a negotiated payment of only $22,000; a net 76% or $69,000 in savings.

The Phia Group Difference:


  • Industry Tested Plan Language and Contract Expertise
  • Accurate Claim Cost Assessments
  • Efficient Negotiations Performed By Industry Leading Attorneys
  • Signed Provider Agreements To Prevent Balance Billing




To learn more about “Implant Cost Pro”, contact The Phia Group’s Ron E. Peck at 781-535-5617 or

About The Phia Group:

The Phia Group, LLC, headquartered in Braintree, Massachusetts, is an experienced provider of health care cost containment techniques offering comprehensive claims recovery, plan document and consulting services designed to control health care costs and protect plan assets.  By providing industry leading consultation, plan drafting, subrogation and other cost containment solutions, The Phia Group is truly Empowering Plans.