How to get free, near free or almost free health insurance? How’s that possible?
The Affordable Care Act, a government promulgated misnomer, gifts more people access to health insurance by lowering premium costs. How? By taxing middle class Americans and printing more money.
In 2025 all Americans qualify for free, or near free or almost free health insurance:
No Maximum Income Limit: Through the end of the 2025 coverage year, there is no maximum income limit for the premium tax credit. This means that even individuals and families with incomes above the federal poverty level can still receive the credit if they purchase coverage through the ACA marketplace in their state.
No one can be turned down due to pre-existing conditions by mean, uncaring and evil health insurance companies. Insurance companies have to accept you even if you’re needing a transplant, pregnant or have an on-going and expensive medical care need.
Insurance companies don’t mind because they are guaranteed coverage for unexpected losses. How? By taxing middle class Americans and printing more money.
Meanwhile the root causes of ever rising health care costs bankrupting middle class Americans remain, allowed so by do nothing plan sponsors and political operatives of both parties focused on re-election efforts and not much else.
It’s lipstick on a pig.