DPC + CPO = Better Benefits, Lower Costs

As insurance costs continue to soar you will see a rapid growth in strategies like this among the ever shrinking community of independent PCP’s who remain adverse to the shackles of managed care contracts and hospital ownership of their practice………

Imagine an employer sponsored health plan everyone likes. Everyone wins – employees, employers, doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, ASC’s and other health caregivers. 

Imagine a health plan everyone can afford. And imagine a health plan even Joe Sixpack can afford to use. Well………………stop imagining and do it now…………..

A Healthcare Strategy That Makes Sense: Couple DPC with a Cash Pay Centric Plan (CPO) Wrap

An example of DPC model services and pricing can be found in the Lower Rio Grande Valley in deep South Texas. Employers in that area would be wise to build their employee benefit plan with this DPC provider (or any other willing DPC providers) as the hub of a comprehensive healthcare plan for employees and their families.

The structure would include:

– DPC specialty referrals to plan. Plan coordinates all referrals

– DPC services on direct monthly membership basis:


0-19 years — $50 per month

20-39 years — $60 per month

40-59 years — $80 per month

60 years and up — $100 per month

Family — Price for parent plus $20 per child up to age 19.


Asserta Health would manage all other eligible medical care outside the DPC setting. (www.assertahealth.com) Cash provider payment paid by plan, not by patient or plan members. No patient financial responsibility.

Independent TPA required for record keeping and other support services outside the DPC setting

Prescription drugs through independent retail pharmacies on a cost plus basis

Go here for an example of a DPC practice:


As insurance costs continue to soar you will see a rapid growth in strategies like this among the ever shrinking community of independent PCP’s who remain adverse to the shackles of managed care contracts and hospital ownership of their practice.

You will see more EMPLOYER BUILT HEALTH PLANS like this in partnership with PCP’s in your community.

RiskManagers.us is a specialty company in the benefits market that, while not an insurance company, works directly with health entities, medical providers, and businesses to identify and develop cost effective benefits packages, emphasizing transparency and fairness in direct reimbursement compensation methods.


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