Folks….Happy New Year to you and yours! We wish you excellent health and prosperity!
Please start the year off reading this heartfelt email from me and watching the video URL I am sending. Everyone who has received this email have the opportunity to change the world.
We are so blessed to have been brought together to have the opportunity to collaborate to assist employers transform this archaic healthcare system which may be the most important job in the U.S. Economy, and our job could save America – https://www.forbes.com/sites/davechase/2015/10/23/this-job-could-save-america/#3d26bb9a5024. The legacy healthcare system is the biggest threat to the American Dream and way of life. There is one job that plays a central role to fixing the healthcare mess: the benefits consultant – I personally like “Advisor” better.
Our mantra for 2018 is simply “don’t let trying to be perfect get in the way of being great…. or even just very much better”. Simply stated it is important to remember that we are on a journey and all journeys begin with one step. By continuing to focus on the client and their employees we can change the system one solution/employer at a time. If we all strive just to have a “very much better” solution for our clients, we win.
I leave you with one question from a friend of mine…..watch the video………Are you a Thermostat or a Thermometer? https://vimeo.com/217229135 Which one will you be in 2018?….let me know your answer!
Nobody remembers the critics who say it can’t be done. In 2018, be memorable.
Carl C. Schuessler, Jr., DHP, DIA, GBDS Population Health Manager
BenefitStrategies, LLC. Florida Office South Georgia Office
2776 Ridge Valley Rd. NW 440 Gilchrist Avenue 1213 Baytree Rd.
Bldg. 100, Suite 150 Suite 150 Valdosta, GA 31602
Atlanta, GA 30327-1850 Boca Grande, FL 33921
Work: (404) 941-5519
Mobile: (404) 277-7852
efax: (928) 833-2265
Email: carl@benefitstrategiesllc.com
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