Democrats are in orgasmic euphoria……………..
By Molly Mulebriar
This morning President Donald Trump (The Donald) signed an executive order mandating Medicare for all Americans. Citing continuing gridlock in Congress, and the public’s outrage over increasing health care costs, President Trump spoke about the need for this sweeping executive order during the signing ceremony.
“Americans are tired of the controversy over health care, tired of rising costs, tired of Washington bickering. Employers are sick and tired of having to provide health insurance that affects their bottom line, suppresses wages, and puts them at risk of government sanctions. It’s time to put all of this behind us.”
“We have other, more pressing business to attend to like public bathroom regulation. We must move forward together in unity and resolve.”
Under the executive order, which takes effect on Putin’s birthday in August, all medical caregivers will earn fees equal to Medicare provider reimbursement fees. President Trump said “Doctors and hospitals will have to accept Medicare patients, will have to accept assignment of benefits, will have to accept the reality of efficient business practices and will have to accept they must be efficient to make a profit off Medicare reimbursement rates.”
Democrats are in orgasmic euphoria. Former President Obama explained Democrats relief that President Trump finally sees things their way, “The Donald is to be hailed instead of nailed. He should be made an honorary member of our party. We forgive him for winning the election and we extend out thanks to Vladamir Putin for giving us the right man for the job.”