The Secrets of AmeriPlan® Corporation’s Discount Dentistry Uncovered


By Darrell Pruitt, DDS

Until now, those who sell discount dentistry plans like Delta Dental, BCBSTX and AmeriPlan have always been less than transparent with naïve, vulnerable consumers about how their AmeriPlan-preferred dentists can discount their fees up to 80%, and still make a living.

I am currently having an in-depth, unprecedented discussion on Dental group Facebook about discount dental plans with an AmeriPlan representative.

After finally agreeing that choosing dentists from a list of preferred providers is actually not freedom of choice, the rep and I are currently discussing, dentists’ overhead versus unsustainable discounts. It’s an informative conversation involving topics that secretive discount dentistry brokers never before publicly discussed – like quality control. If you ever wondered how discount dental plans work, I invite you to join the group and follow our conversation. Transparency is a bitch.

D. Kellus Pruitt DDS –