“Although we will not disclose your identity without your express permission, it is possible that your identity may be discovered during an investigation of the matter reported because of information you have provided“.
A Texas school district, known within the insurance industry as “challenged” with a checkered past in insurance procurement characterized by fraud, kickbacks and other nefarious activities overseen by political hacks with their hands out at every turn has an official online Snitch Line designed to ferret out activities like these.
The only problem is the Snitch Line is overseen by…………….you guessed it, the same political hacks with their hands out.
Does the Open Records Act apply here? Could be some interesting reading……………..
Lighthouse is an independent provider that assists your organization/entity/company to identify improper activity. We are committed to protecting the identity of all persons who use our secure reporting system. Reports are submitted by Lighthouse to the organization/entity/company’s designee, and may or may not be investigated at the sole discretion of the organization/entity/company. Although we will not disclose your identity without your express permission, it is possible that your identity may be discovered during an investigation of the matter reported because of information you have provided.
Our comprehensive hotline program includes all of the following at no additional cost:
Your hotline must protect more than your bottom line. Lighthouse Services offers safe, secure reporting methods that give your company and your employees peace of mind and protection.
- Multiple reporting channels
- Toll-free number
- Customized website
- Mobile app
- Fax
- Postal mail
- 3 levels of reporter anonymity
- Rapid incident report submission
- Case Management System (CMS)
- Client-branded web reporting pages
- Exclusive client web reporting URL
- Promotional and instructional material
- Easy onboarding process
- Monthly summary reports
- Consultation with subject matter experts