Last fall the Texas legislature gifted the TRS ActiveCare health fund +$200,000,000 and called it “Covid Relief.”
TRS ActiveCare is a government health plan for Texas school districts established 20 years ago. The program is administered by BCBS. Claims are paid with taxpayer money. The same ole managed care plan strategy has been in place since inception.
Managed care doesn’t work.
So TRS ActiveCare trustees have relied on the old fashion way of managing their costs (not the cost of care). The old fashion way is cost shifting to the backs of plan members and local taxing entities.
Now, with passage of Senate Bill 1444, we are seeing the beginning of a “Run on The Bank” with districts jumping ship.
2022-2023 rates will be released by TRS trustees on April 28
(For more information on TRS ActiveCare blog postings, enter “TRS ActiveCare” in the search box on this blog).