The Employee Retirement Income Security Act’s reporting requirements trump those of individual states, including a Vermont requirement that self-insured employee health plans must report claims data, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Tuesday in a victory for Liberty Mutual Insurance Co.
BREAKING: Supreme Court Finds ERISA Preempts State Claims Reporting
By Dani Kass
Law360, New York (March 1, 2016, 10:13 AM ET) — The Employee Retirement Income Security Act’s reporting requirements trump those of individual states, including a Vermont requirement that self-insured employee health plans must report claims data, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Tuesday in a victory for Liberty Mutual Insurance Co.
The justices ruled 6-2 to uphold the Second Circuit’s ruling, which had found that ERISA’s reporting requirement was crafted to prevent insurance companies from having to navigate a hodgepodge of cumbersome state regulations. Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for the majority, with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Justice…
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