Continental Benefits has brought some of the brightest and most entrepreneurial minds in healthcare together with a focus on not just stepping outside of the box, but tearing it down and building something entirely different……..
It was 2013 and WellSystems had purchased the industry leading claims administration system from Eldorado/HP called Javelina. WellSystems was a Business Process Outsourcer (BPO) who provided technology and administrative functions for Third Party Administrators (TPA) and health carriers throughout the country who needed higher technology and administrative efficiencies without the outlay of huge capital investments.
Word had spread about this booming company, and its technology, and soon employers were seeking to hire WellSystems directly. Growing quickly to over 600,000 members, the executive team studied the market and realized an opportunity to do something vastly different in the benefits space.
Using the expertise and technology developed as WellSystems, Continental Benefits was launched in 2014. Continental Benefits is a full service Third Party Admistrator (TPA).
Continental Benefits has brought some of the brightest and most entrepreneurial minds in healthcare together with a focus on not just stepping outside of the box, but tearing it down and building something entirely different. Continental Benefits is more than just a third-party administrator; we are an agent of transformation. Leveraging emerging technology and like-minded partners, we are developing truly sustainable benefit plans for our clients. Transformation and disruption is entirely possible in an industry that is dominated by monolithic companies.
Understanding every employer is at a different point along the spectrum of disruptive desire, we work with each client to identify long term goals and develop a multi-year strategy with palatable disruption. From alternative financing programs such as self-funding, level-funding or captive insurance programs, or leveraging different reimbursement models like national PPOs, regional PPOs, reference based pricing, Accountable Care Organizations or direct contracting, we work with each client to find their sweet spot.
As a partner in your healthcare, we feel a duty to be the best stewards of your healthcare dollar. We also believe in transparency and we believe both of these are lacking in the current marketplace. The industry is fraught with loopholes and pathways for inappropriate spending on healthcare services. From multi-layer mark ups on prescription drugs and medical supplies to inappropriate and unreasonable billing by providers, Continental Benefits uses the latest technology and partners to ensure each dollar spent is an appropriate dollar. As Plan Sponsors, you are expected to be good stewards of your plan’s funds.
Every self-funded Plan Sponsor that has moved to Continental Benefits, from a traditional carrier or TPA, quickly realizes our ability to reduce their spend and get the cost out of the system. In addition, decision makers at Employers are able to receive actionable data and reporting to make decisions necessary for the health plan. Lastly, employees and dependents enjoy concierge level service and feel like they have a partner guiding them through the confusing health care system.