Sugar, Sugar

You can learn amazing things from retired people, i.e., old people who don’t have a dog in the fight anymore (that’s why ink flows better after age 65).

Dr. Lustig explains how the food industry strategized to increase profits by adding sugar to our food supply starting in the 1970s. Sugar not only makes food more palatable, but also is an addictive substance causing us to eat more.

Increased sugar consumption causes our bodies to produce chronically high levels of insulin… called ‘hyperinsulinemia.’ Hyperinsulinemia is a major driver of disease… and not just obesity and diabetes as many people already know.

Hyperinsulinemia increases the risk of breast, colon, pancreatic, kidney and many other cancers. Hyperinsulinemia also increases cancer mortality by 2X.

Hyperinsulinemia increases the risk of cardiovascular disease (e.g. heart attacks) independent of any other risk factors such as high cholesterol or diabetes. In other words, even if you do not have high cholesterol or diabetes, hyperinsulinemia alone will increase your risk of cardiovascular disease… and this fact has been known for almost 30 years.

Dr. Lustig’s book is a must read for those who want to understand the root cause of chronic disease in America.