Insurance brokers, especially health insurance brokers, are finding themselves in a fast moving and dynamic world of change. Business as usual is not business as usual anymore. It’s something different. It’s not so much about selling skills these days, it’s more about information flow.
Those who facilitate high speed and efficient information flow will win more sales than the fellow down the street in the red brick building with a legacy secretarial staff fronting for him while he’s playing golf.
The successful broker is playing golf too, accompanied with his “office staff” located on his smart phone. His backup staff is a mainframe in North Dakota while his customer service department is in Bombay. Life is good, and profitable.
Are small commercial agents ready for a major shift?
More than half of independent agents think more commercial insurance transactions will take place online in the next three years.
48% said their agencies have made a 180-degree turn from brick and mortar to virtual operations