Only in Texas

Texas is the only state in the Union where the majority of Texas businesses can elect to non-subscribe. Thanks to our historical fore fathers, this option has been available since 1913.

However, there were not many employers who were interested in this option, or even knew about it until around the mid 1980’s when workers’ compensation cost in Texas escalated to some of the highest in the nation. Today approximately 44 percent of Texas businesses operate as non-subscribers. These employers can be found in almost every segment of today’s business community and have employees that range in size from one employee up to thousands.

What is a Texas Non-Subscriber?

Texas employers who elect not to purchase workers’ compensation insurance are referred to as non-subscribers. On the other hand, Texas employers who do elect to purchase workers’ compensation are referred to as subscribers. Simply put, Texas businesses have more than one option when it comes to providing benefits for on the job workplace injuries.

Non-Subscriber insurance programs

A responsible non-subscriber can implement a comprehensive program that provides occupational injury benefits to their employees. There are many insurance programs to choose from in today’s market place that provide medical benefits, wage replacement benefits, disability benefits and death benefits. Many of the occupational accident plans also provide additional coverage for legal costs, damage awards, duty to defend and more.