Sunday Morning Bathroom Read (“Send Lawyers, Guns and Money” Edition)

By Doug Aldeen

The Great Aldeeni is on to something! – Open an Aldeen Miracle Grow Bank Account today and receive a bag of carrots and a free trip to Disney Land! – The H&R Block of IRC 501r? Take it public – The IPO has got to be a record breaker – Will the Great Aldeeni offer franchise opportunities? Count me in………..

“I would set up a booth in every grocery store across the US (much like H&R Block and its ubiquitous “tax refund” stands) and charge a flat fee to process the charity care application……….. “Honey, make sure to pick up a loaf of bread and while you are it, get our charity care application submitted. We should get back enough to take the entire family to Disney this year.” – Doug Aldeen

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