TRS ActiveCare, a government health plan for Texas public school districts, has released rates for Plan Year 2023-2024.
Continue reading TRS ActiveCare Publishes 2023-2024 RatesDay: May 30, 2023
Dave Chase – “So, How’s Your Health Insurance Business Doing?”
Warren Buffett said it all: “GM is a health and benefits company with an auto company attached.” In fact, it spends more on health care than steel, just as Starbucks spends more on health care than coffee beans.
Continue reading Dave Chase – “So, How’s Your Health Insurance Business Doing?”Americans Can’t Afford Health Insurance Anymore But Employers Can Because……
How many American families can afford to pay $31,065 for family health insurance when 90% of working Americans earn less than $100,000 per year and 46% of working Americans earn less than $30,000 per year. After mortgage and car payments, rent, food, gasoline, clothing, beer & fajitas there is no money left for health insurance.
Continue reading Americans Can’t Afford Health Insurance Anymore But Employers Can Because……