Day: May 24, 2023
A Paralyzed Man Can Walk Naturally Again With Brain and Spine Implants

Gert-Jan Oskam was living in China in 2011 when he was in a motorcycle accident that left him paralyzed from the hips down. Now, with a combination of devices, scientists have given him control over his lower body again.
Continue reading A Paralyzed Man Can Walk Naturally Again With Brain and Spine ImplantsHidden Vendors & Third Party Risk Management

“Hidden” vendors can account for a significant volume of day-to-day transactions, accessing and storing vast amounts of plan participants’ personally identifiable information(“PII”) and personal health information (“PHI”). The delegation tactics used by employee benefit plan service providers place a premium on third-party risk management (“TPRM”) as a strategy.
Continue reading Hidden Vendors & Third Party Risk ManagementIconic Photo In Celebration of Memorial Day

Wait For Me Daddy!
“That’s probably the last time we were together as a nuclear family, as they put it today,” said Bernard in a recent telephone interview from his home. “We were never together again as a family after that moment.” – Warren “Whitey” Bernard (Blond headed boy in the picture)
Continue reading Iconic Photo In Celebration of Memorial DayTRS ActiveCare To Announce New Benefit Changes & Rates for 2023-2024

TRS ActiveCare is meeting next week to discuss new benefit changes and rates for the government’s health plan for Texas school districts. Will rates go down? Will benefits increase?
Continue reading TRS ActiveCare To Announce New Benefit Changes & Rates for 2023-2024Epic Battle of The Blues

File this under “You Can’t Make This Stuff Up”
TRS ActiveCare officials are set to announce benefit changes and new rates next week. The battle to win Texas public school business will be off and running as districts gear up for school year 2023-2024.
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