“Free” Medical Debt Reduction Services

Free? Really? For those consumers to fearful and timid to negotiate their  own medical costs, this may be a “free” but expensive  avenue to take in getting health care debt relief: http://www.medicalcostadvocate.com/default.aspx?group=hsabank

In the alternative,  a quick five month wait and a quicker five minute telephone call, many consumers gain Premium Account Status  and Life Long Membership in the Fifty Percent Club. Membership is free and inexpensive:   http://blog.riskmanagers.us/?p=7253

Editor’s Note: RiskManagers.us provides claim negotiation for clients at no charge. Experience shows that a five minute phone call can reduce medical debt  as much as 50% or more, time and again. Of course, there are parameters within which one must operate to succeed.