Wikileaks today has released Part One of Mulebriar’s exclusive interview with Julian Assange. The interview was held at the Ecuador embassy in London on Monday.
Julian: Molly, good to see you. It’s been hell sitting here in the embassy since 2012. I am beginning to hate ancient Inca food recipes. But enough of my woes! It is really good to finally meet you, the best investigative reporter on health care ever! I keep seeing your name crop up in thousands of purloined emails emanating from South Texas, particularly from the Waring, Texas area. By the way, did you bring that bottle of tequila you promised?
Mulebriar: Julian, it’s a pleasure to be here. It’s been a challenge exposing health care secrets the health care industry doesn’t want the public to know, but we are making progress. Really good progress. People are beginning to “get it.” Many are becoming health care revolutionaries hell bent on changing the system. And yes, I smuggled a bottle in, but by the time I offered a shot or two to the staff here, there is little left for us. But, I gave the sentry $200 with instructions to bring a case in for lunch today. Five or six shots and you will love Inca food again, I promise!.
Julian: Thank God, you are my angel. And yes, I can see from the many purloined emails that you are stirring things up in the United States. Hospitals and insurance companies hate what you are doing. Managed care companies fear you. Blue Cross in particular has taken great interest in your reporting.
Mulebriar: Well, I can’t comment on our Blue Cross initiatives. But, we are about to announce some significant findings very soon.
Julian: Yes, I am well aware. I thought that Blue Cross hospital contract that was emailed to you from a BCBS source was a real coup. Amazing you got that. BCBS maintains tight security over their managed care contracts, tighter than Fort Knox. Congradulations.
Mulebriar: I’m incredulous! How in the world did you intercept that? Not even Homer G. Farnsworth, M.D. on my inner staff knows about that! Have you hacked our email server Julian! Or have the Russians the source?
Julian: We got it from one of our best sources. We also received the other BCBS managed care contract too from anothe source which I can’t disclose. We compared both, and boy are there some good things there! What are you planning to do with these?
Mulebriar: Well, we are going to publish both soon unless you do first. We are going to publish others too, including some of the major carriers and not so major rental networks. But you know what Julian, they are all the same, with the same legalese, same elements. It’s almost as if the same person wrote all of them.
Julian: Yeah, I know. We have an email from a BCBS Texas representative saying BCBS hospital contracts are DRG based, and have nothing to do with “discounts” or tied to charge master rates. Can you believe that!