Currently, many benefits consultants drive decisions that are at odds with optimal health plan performance. Organizational purchasers, benefits managers and brokers are increasingly advocating for consulting practice principles that align more directly with purchasers interests.
Dear Benefits Brokers, Consultants, Benefits Managers and TPA Executives:
Please be our guest Sunday, April 30, 2017, 10:30am-12:15pm, at the Marriott Wardman Park in DC for a World Health Care Congress (WHCC) pre-conference session, Shaping Transparent Benefits Consulting. Click here to learn about the Employer HQ Gold Circle program, which will allow qualified applicants to receive a complimentary registration.
Why benefits advisors with a future are developing more transparent arrangements.
This session will explore a new broker credentialing effort aimed at validating value-based knowledge and professional practices. Currently, many benefits consultants drive decisions that are at odds with optimal health plan performance. Organizational purchasers, benefits managers and brokers are increasingly advocating for consulting practice principles that align more directly with purchasers interests.
This Brokers’ Brunch will be immediately followed by a session on high performance direct contracting, highlighting unconventional organizations in different niches of clinical and financial risk management that consistently deliver better health outcomes and/or lower cost. We believe you’ll find that meeting interesting as well.
Co-Located with the US Health Care Employee Benefits and Wellness Congress
Please redistribute to appropriate colleagues.
Proposed Agenda:
10:30 – 10:45 Moderator’s Welcome and Overview
Bill Rusteberg, RiskManagers.US
10:45 – 11:15 The Health Rosetta Credential
David Contorno, Lake Norman Benefits
11:15 – 11:45 Panel: Credentialing Imperatives and Challenges
Barbara Barrett, Langdale Industries
Dave Chase, Health Rosetta Institute
Mark Gaunya, Borislow Insurance
Adam Russo, The PHIA Group
Edward Smith, Hutchinson Traylor
Tommy Taylor, Fairly Group
11:45 – 12:15 Open Discussion
Brian Klepper, PhD
Principal, Worksite Health Advisors
Recent Articles
Engaging High Performance Healthcare Solutions, EBN, 12/28/16
The Ethical Stain on US Medical Care, TDWI, 11/02/16
Patients, Physicians Should Share Decisions in Oncology, CollabRx Blog, 8/02/16
The Gold Standard for Current Cancer Treatment, JAMA, 6/26/16
The Emergence of High Performance Health Care, THCB, 4/08/16
Congress’ Drug Addiction, EBN Blog, 2/26/16