New Plan For Asian-American Market
With Asian-Americans being one of the fastest growing segments of the Texas labor force, we have created health plans and services specifically aligned to this emerging demographic. As of Aug. 25, 2009, you can begin offering the new UnitedHealthcare AsianTreasureSM Plan to groups with 2 to 99 eligible employees.
Plan Benefits and Services
Tailored to Asian Americans’ medical, linguistic and cultural needs, the plan includes:
20 acupuncture visits per member per year with just an office visit copayment for
selected plans.
Asian language broker service lines.
Network-based Asian physician and acupuncturist.
Health management and educational programs on Asian medical conditions.
Tools and services in Asian languages.
Plan Designs
Your clients can choose from over 33 different plan designs with competitive prices including:
Primary physician office visits ($25 to $35)
Specialist office visits ($50 to $60)
Urgent care visits ($75 to $100)
Network (70%-100%)
Non-network (60%-70%)
Broker Toolkit Available
The AsianTreasure Broker Toolkit contains everything you need to make a successful presentation including: product grid, presentation deck, health tip sheet, sell sheet, product
Q & A and more.
For more information about the AsianTreasure plan or to obtain your broker toolkit, please contact your UnitedHealthcare representative.