Texas Procurement and Contract Management Guide :
“A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is generally used for professional services wherein the respondents are evaluated based solely on their qualifications and skills.”
“This solicitation method is more like an application process, where it is very clear what is expected from the vendor. Price is negotiated after the agency selects its preferred respondent based on how well the respondents met the published qualifications.”
“Vendors must respond to an RFQ by submitting their qualifications to perform specified work The submissions are reviewed to deter mine the qualified respondent(s) who are requested to prepare a proposal, including cost, to perform the specific work as may be embodied in an RFQ.”
“Price is not a factor until after the vendor is selected.”
Texas Gov’t Code Section 2269/.357:
Request for Qualifications
(a) The governmental entity shall prepare a request for qualifications that includes:
(1) information on the civil works project site;
(2) project scope;
(3) project budget;
(4) project schedule;
(5) criteria for selection under Section 2269.359 and the weighting of the criteria; and
(6) other information that may assist potential design-build firms in submitting proposals for the project.
(b) The governmental entity shall also prepare a design criteria package as described by Section 2269.358