The TSHBP risk pool has been unsuccessful in turning around significant underwriting loses despite back-to-back annual rate increases and a cash call to the tune of millions of dollars.
TSHBP officials are “Throwing in the towel” while attempting to replace commissions at the same time by offering commercial health coverage on a stand-alone basis to each TSHBP member district.
See below (pay special attention to the bold print):
Attached to this message is the TSHBP Renewal Packet for your district. New for the 2024-25 Plan Year, the TSHBP Risk Pool is no longer available.
Your district’s renewal packet contains three proposals for your consideration. You are encouraged to carefully review each proposal.
Here is a breakdown of the renewal packet:
· The 90 Degree Benefits Directed Care Plans Proposal provides employees with coverage most similar to what they currently have with the TSHBP Directed Care plans. You are encouraged to carefully review the proposal for the Level Funded Medical Plan. Based on your group size, this proposal will have either bindable or illustrative rates. This will be clearly noted in your proposal.
· Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Texas fully insured High Deductible Blue Choice Plan and Blue Essentials PPO plans. These plans are most similar to what employees had while covered under TRS Active Care Plans. This plan requires a minimum participation of 75% of eligible employees enrolled. You are encouraged to carefully review the proposal for this fully insured medical plan.
· United Benefits Consortium (UBC) traditional designed HD and PPO plans. This is a Level Funded Medical Plan, providing your district with an additional option with specific and aggregate stop loss coverage. Rates for this plan are subject to change based on final enrollment numbers into the plan. You are encouraged to carefully review the proposal for this plan.
We want to provide you with as much information as possible for your district to make an informed decision. To that end, we have scheduled informational webinars for Monday, May 20th.
Blue Cross/Blue Shield informational webinar for districts will be held at 8:45 am and may be accessed through this link:
Learn about how awesome Blue Cross is HERE
THSBP/90 Degree Benefits Directed Care informational webinar for districts will be held at 11:00 am and may be accessed through this link:
Learn about how much you will enjoy and deeply appreciate Directed Care HERE
UBC/Cigna informational webinar for districts will be held at 1:00 pm and may be accessed through this link:
Learn how Cigna will come through for you HERE
Additionally, your TSHBP Staff and Higginbotham Public Sector Consultants are available to assist you with any questions you may have.
Each one of these districts should read this: How Texas School Districts Can Get Out Of The Health Insurance Business. Then they should email RiskManagers for gastric relief: