“I always say I have to carry metal rod with the mirror at the bottom of it to run under my car before crank it up” – Carl Schuessler
As a health care disruptor do you feel edgy these days? Exposing secrets the health care industry doesn’t want consumers to know could mean millions and millions of lost revenue otherwise earned through secretive contracts and side deals common within the industry. Money affects behavior and sometimes the effect can be less than good.
Carl Schuessler is a fearless, vocal health care disruptor, albeit a cautious one these days. Known to “tell it like it is” and his “take no prisoners approach”, Schuessler and his cohorts navigate the dark and sinister paths of a twisted health care system with a torch in one hand and The Health Rosetta in the other.
“I always say I have to carry metal rod with the mirror at the bottom of it to run under my car before crank it up” says Schuessler.
Introducing The Schuessler Stick™. Designed by health care disruptors for health care disruptors. A pre-emptive approach to status quo extremism. This life saving device, The Schuessler Stick™ is economical and safe to use.
The Schuessler Stick™ comes in several models. There is the Tyrone Squires Model (TSM) suited for PBM warriors which retails for $19.95. There is the Jeff Bernhard (JBM)) Model designed for the frequent flyer complete with telescoping feature for easy storage. And of course there is the Dave Chase Model (DCM) designed for C-suit personnel, particularly CFO’s, complete with built in 911 feature at the press of a button.
With those on a tight budget in mind there is the Schuessler Midget Model (SMM-1) which comes with a six inch handle and a convenient set of knee pads. This popular model retails for $2.99.
Secure your future with The Schuessler Stick™ ! Order yours today………………………..