The more you pay, the more you save and the more you save, the less you pay…………..
APRIL 5, 2022
In a special meeting April 5, 2022 the Board of Trustees reviewed their self-funded health plan performance with financial projections for 2022-2023.
District and employee contributions for Plan Year 2022-2023 amount to the equivalent of $10,836 per employee per year.
Projected claims plus expenses amount to the equivalent of $10,507 per employee per year.
That produces a 97% loss ratio.
El Paso ISD is banking on Rx rebates to remain solvent for the year. Rx rebates are projected to be the equivalent of $985 per employee per year.
Over paying for something to get some of it back in order to remain solvent seems counter intuitive. But this crazy health care finance system we have in this country supports the theory “the more you pay, the more you save and the more you save, the less you pay.”
Turbocharging a Rx formulary to include all the drugs with the highest rebates seems like a plan.
That’s the El Paso model of health care finance.
Related Blog Postings:
El Paso ISD Health Plan – The Case of The Missing $27,000,000
El Paso ISD’s $18,000,000 Health Plan Deficit
El Paso ISD Proposes 2021-2022 Health Insurance Budget
El Paso ISD Health Insurance Update
El Paso ISD Report Card – First Year Renewal After Challenging TRS ActiveCare
El Paso ISD To Adopt Exemption To TRS ActiveCare Requirement
El Paso ISD Votes To Leave TRS ActiveCare