Texas Shared Savings Bill Will Turbocharge Cash Pay Health Plans

So far there have been over 250 insurance related bills introduced in this Texas legislative session. We are seeing quite a few bills that will impact the growing market trend towards health care pricing transparency. Many of these bills will benefit Cash Pay Centric Health Plans.

Sec. 1276.054.  SHARED SAVINGS PAYMENT. (a) Except as
 provided by Subsection (b), if an enrollee who requests a
 disclosure under Section 1276.052 elects and receives a health care
 service or supply the actual cost of which is less than the amount
 disclosed under Section 1276.052, the health benefit plan issuer or
 administrator shall pay to the enrollee 50 percent of the
 difference between the amount disclosed under Section 1276.052 and
 the actual cost, minus any applicable deductible, copayment, or

88(R) SB 358 – Introduced version – Bill Text (texas.gov)