TAGCO Provides Retiree Healthcare Solutions for Employers

The TAGCO Multiple Employer Trust offers employers the benefits and advantages of buying Retiree Medical through the pooling of statewide Retiree Medical risk(s). The program serves residents of Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Montana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, North Carolina, New Mexico, Tennessee, Utah, and Wyoming.

Thomas M. Geib, doing business as TAGCO Associates and subsequently as TAGCO Associates, LP, has been in the insurance business since 1973 and has been active in the group Retiree Medical marketplace since its legislative inception.  During the early to mid Nineties, Mr. Geib introduced and helped establish Retiree Medical on a statewide basis through the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool (TML IEBP) and the Texas Association of Counties (TAC).

Such Public Employer Retiree Medical design and pricing features net of commission rates and value added administrative services. In 2006, TAGCO Associates, LP developed TAGCO MET Public Employer Retiree Medical and Rx plans, for the benefit of PEBA (Public Employees Benefit Alliance).

TAGCO Associates, LP continues to provide Retiree Medical and Rx benefits to Texas Public Employers and/or PEBA members.

The TAGCO Multiple Employer Trust was organized and established in October of 2002 for the express purpose of being able to offer Texas employers the benefits and advantages of buying Retiree Medical through the pooling of statewide Retiree Medical risk(s); at that same time, TAGCO Associates, LP was organized.

Since that time, TAGCO Associates, LP has established business and/or broker relationships in every region of the State. TAGCO MET medical plans are filed and approved in thirty to forty (30-40) states. TAGCO MET Retiree Medical and Rx programs are currently established in Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Montana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia and/or have been quoted in Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, North Carolina, New Mexico, Tennessee, Utah, Wyoming and elsewhere. TAGCO MET Retiree Medical and Rx plans have historically enjoyed a ninety-five (95) percent persistency level.

TAGCO Associates, LP functions as a Managing General Agent (MGA) and Managing General Underwriter (MGU) on behalf of the insurance carriers it currently represents.  TAGCO Associates, LP’s role is that of a wholesaler, while the TAGCO Multiple Employer Trust is used by its carriers as a pooling mechanism and entity, for the purpose of being able to underwrite and offer Retiree Medical and Rx benefits on a group basis.

Thomas M. Geib, Partner
Post Office Box 4133
Bergheim, TX 78004
(830) 336-3700 – Office
(210) 393-4342 – Cell
(830) 336-3738 – Fax
(800) 866-8056 – Toll Free


Coming Soon – TAGCO RiskManagers

Related Blog Posting: Why Employers Need To Offer Retiree Healthcare Benefits