Six Ways AMPS Is The Leader In Price Transparency

aaaaa “We have been on a RBR/Cost Plus platform for five years. We changed to AMPS several years ago and highly recommend them. AMPS provides a quality product at a competitive price” – E. Juarez

By John Powers, Mar 25, 2015

1. AMPS is your expert. Each and every medical bill is audited by our team of BS-calling board certified physicians, not nurses or claims management interns. Using proprietary software built solely for the purpose of medical bill review (MBR) the team can turn a claim around in 8 days or less.

2. Our reference based reimbursement (RBR) model is based on multiple data points, not just Medicare like so many others. We target payments to hospitals at 130% to 170% of Medicare; on average an employer healthcare plan will save $3,446,153 annually per thousand employees.

3. We appoint a fiduciary who assumes the legal responsibility usually placed on you and your business.

4. We have clearly defined payment levels for hospital services that are based off of fair and logical (gasp!) data.

5. You will have proactive and thorough advocacy team support, negotiation services and legal defense for employees who are balance billed by hospitals.

6. You won’t pay for someone else’s mistakes. We are specific on all exclusions in the plan. Any invalid charge including errors, excessive amounts or procedures that are deemed unnecessary are not paid.

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