“Apollo Vanguard’s mission is to help individual patients and self-insured employer health plans acquire the same prescription drug brands without compromising quality and affordability. Our group supplies over 10,000 medications including same brand prescriptions available in the United States with tremendous savings of between 40% to 60% lower cost.” – Armando Polanco
A Solution to Control the High Inflation Cost of Specialty Name Brand Prescriptions
Within the three major claims in any healthcare plan, doctors, hospitals and prescriptions the one claim expense that takes up most of the claim dollar are prescriptions. Of all of the FDA approved prescriptions only 1.9% are considered Specialty Prescription and yet it is estimated to account for almost 50% of total pharma revenue. Tackling Brand Name Specialty Prescriptions can make the biggest impact on cost containment.
Hello, my name is Armando Polanco, CEO of Apollo Vanguard and we recognize the necessity to provide companies and individual patients with a proven solution to control and reduce the cost of their specialty and high end regular medicine.
Apollo Vanguard’s mission is to help individual patients and self-insured employer health plans acquire the same prescription drug brands without compromising quality and affordability.
Our group supplies over 10,000 medications including same brand prescriptions available in the United States with tremendous savings of between 40% to 60% lower cost.
We have partnered with an international pharmaceutical supplier for the State of Utah Government Employees Health Plan and provide for these meds via Mail-Order for a 90 day supply at a time.
Facts to know about our pharmacy facility in Vancouver, Canada:
- Pharmacy license with College of Pharmacists of British Colombia, Canada ensures excellent standing to meet all licensing requirements.
- It is federally licensed with Health Canada.
- Member in good standing with the BC Pharmacists Association.
- Approved licensed pharmacy dispensing software (Government tracks health records for all patient transactions). This is legal requirement in Canada; to ensure quality control at the highest standards for all medications dispensed in Canada.
- All medicines sold by our Canadian Pharmacy are sourced Only from Canadian manufacturers and not from other countries.
This immediate cost savings program can be implemented now without waiting for the renewal period and not changing any part of the health plan design. Call anytime to ask any questions or would like to learn more.
Armando F. Polanco, CEO – (833) 793-7847)
Implementing the Prescription Outsource Program (POP)
- Accessing the Drug Utilization Report for analysis on highest cost prescription, dosage, number of members on Rx and Time Period of reporting.
- Acceptance by employer group of the prescriptions identified for the mail-order POP. Prescriptions can be added or deleted from list by employer group.
- Service Agreement is signed by employer group and Canadian pharmacy group. An account number is established for the group.
- Members and/or their physicians order the Rx via toll-free line or email. If a member is new to the Rx then a less than minute tele-med conference call with member and Canadian physician is completed.
- Every 90 days the member is notified by the Canadian pharmacy that a new Rx supply is forthcoming.
- Employer group provides Canadian pharmacy with name, email address and phone number of at least two individuals that are responsible of receiving and paying of invoices and also Verification of Eligibility (VOE) of member. After VOE the Rx is shipped to member. Process of this is identified by the Employer Group.
- Wiring of invoice payments can be bundled and paid mid-month or end of month of Rx shipments. Invoice are sent weekly or bi- weekly.
- Apollo Vanguard is available for presentations for members or staff of organizations.
- Apollo Vanguard is not a reseller. Quotes provided include no monthly service fee, no set up fee.
Members Eligible For Rx Rewards
Congratulations! By receiving your 90 Day specialty prescription through your employers Prescription Outsource Program you will find enclosed your Rx Rewards $50 Visa Card. That’s $200 a year by continuing this mail-order program!