“We’re leaving TRS ActiveCare and you’re not welcome back for five years!” says Little Rabbit Independent School District.
That’s right, Senate Bill 1444 stipulates that once a TRS ActiveCare member school district exits the government health plan TRS ActiveCare is barred from taking them back for 60 months.
TRS ActiveCare is a risk pool for Texas school districts.
Not so the Texas Association of Counties (TAC) and the Texas Municipal League (TML), two state wide risk pools. They insure government employees too. Neither are barred from taking back former members under any kind of time limitation.
“We’re leaving but we may allow you back in next year” says an exiting TML group.
“Ditto that” says an exiting TAC group.
“We’re leaving and you’re not welcome back for five years!” says Little Rabbit ISD, an exiting TRS ActiveCare member district.
TRS ActiveCare made a political blunder supporting Senate Bill 1444’s time limit prohibition of “Return from Exile.” They are barred for five years from competing for business on every district that exits the program. Meanwhile it’s open season with unlimited opportunities for the commercial market.