The Region One ESC Board of Directors, at their regular meeting on June 17, 2014, met to discuss and evaluate the proposals received and ranking of firms for the Third Party Administrator Services. Proposals received were evaluated by the Region One ESC Insurance Committee comprised of employees from the Region One Education Service Center and William Rusteberg, Region One’s independent insurance consultant. The Board of Directors reviewed the proposals and ratified the committee’s rankings.
The proposal from Verity Enterprise Solutions, San Antonio, Texas was accepted by the Board of Directors for the contract period.
The Region One Education Service Center is part of a state-wide system of 20 regional education service centers created by the 59th Texas Legislature to assist school districts across the state. Originally slated to work with school districts as a media center, the role of the education service center has expanded to work alongside school districts to carry out the three main objectives as stipulated in the TEC §8.002: to assist school districts in improving student performance in each region of the system; enable school districts to operate more efficiently and economically; and implement initiatives assigned by the legislature of commissioner.Located in South Texas on the United States/Mexico border, Region One ESC serves 37 school districts and 10 charter school systems in the seven county areas of Cameron County, Hidalgo County, Jim Hogg County, Starr County, Webb County, Willacy County, and Zapata County.