A 2017 webinar will cover hospital’s view of Reference Based Pricing. An attorney who has advised multiple hospitals on how to respond and interact with self-insured payers taking RBP approaches shares her unique insights on how hospital administrators view common points of contention, as well as opportunities for more collaborative payment arrangements.
Source: Ernie Clevenger’s weekly newsletter. Webinar sponsor is SIIA
Referenced Based Pricing – The Hospital’s Perspective
Wednesday, February 15, 1-2:15 PM EST
- While there has been increased discussion within the self-insurance industry on the relative merits of various reference-based pricing approaches, this session will look at this trend from the opposite direction. An attorney who has advised multiple hospitals on how to respond and interact with self-insured payers taking RBP approaches shares her unique insights on how hospital administrators view common points of contention, as well as opportunities for more collaborative payment arrangements.
- MODERATOR: Mike Ferguson, President & CEO, Self Insurance Institute of America, Inc. (SIIA)
- SPEAKER: Emily Scott, Esq., Attorney, Hirschler Fleischer