James E. Huckaby has been named Public Risk Manager of the Year by the Public Risk Management Assn. Mr. Huckaby is director of risk management of the Mesquite Independent School District in Mesquite, Texas, a post he has held 17 years.
Arlington Va.,-based PRIMA gives the award annually to public risk managers who demonstrate innovation and commitment to the field.
Mr. Huckaby manages the school district’s property/casualty insurance program, employee benefits, loss-control efforts, workers compensation program administration, and federal environmental compliance. Workers comp, auto liability
He is credited in reducing the school district’s workers comp and automobile liability claim costs by 60% and 45%, respectively.
Mr. Huckaby accepted the honor at an awards luncheon Monday at PRIMA’s 32nd Annual Conference in Portland, Ore. “I stand here today because of the numerous professional opportunities made available by PRIMA,” Mr. Huckaby said.
Posted On: Jun. 07, 2011 9:44 AM CENTRAL Mike Tsikoudakis PORTLAND, Ore.—