Paying Cash For Dental Expenses May Be Less Expensive Than Insurance

Dental, Vision & Hearing Plan

UCT - Where Community and Compassion Unite
50% Commission*

8% Lifetime Renewals

 9 Month Advance

*SC, TN, KY, CO, SD call for comp.
Issue Ages:  18-84
10% Household Discount

If two or more people, living in the same household at the same address, apply for coverage at the same time, then each may receive a 10% discount.

Call Western Marketing for more information: 


Ask for Doug, Justin, Robin or Russ 
Western Marketing
Western Marketing

 Dental Vision Hearing

The client may choose between a $0 or $100 Policy Year Deductible.  After the Policy Year Deductible is satisfied, UCT will pay the following percentages of actual charges up to the Policy Year Maximum Benefit:
  • 60% in the 1st Policy Year;
  • 70% in the 2nd Policy Year;
  • 80% in the 3rd Policy Year;
  • 90% thereafter.
  • Client chooses $750, $1,000, $1,500 or $2,000 Policy Year Maximum Benefit.

Guaranteed Renewable for Life
DentalUCT doesn’t charge a policy fee and, although some limitations do apply, your acceptance for this insurance is guaranteed.  This Policy is renewable as long as you live, provided you continue to pay premiums when due. 

Covered Expenses
  • Dental services, performed by a licensed dentist, including one annual examination and cleaning, x-rays, fillings, prophylaxis, bridges, crowns, dentures and outpatient dental surgery prescribed as Medically Necessary.
  • Hearing examinations performed by a physician or audiologist, including the cost of the hearing aid and any necessary repairs.
  • Visits to a physician for a basic eye examination or eye refraction, including the cost of eyeglasses or contact lenses prescribed by the physician, up to a maximum benefit of $150 in any one Policy Year.

Curacao 2012 Incentive Trip
Curacao 2012Don’t Forget: Your production counts towards Western Marketing’s Curacao 2012 Incentive Trip! 

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Editor’s Note: Posting this does not mean we are endorsing the product. We are simply showing that the cost of delivery through an insurance product is comprised of certain cost components.