Texas’ insurance code now includes voluntary Paid Family Leave as a new form of insurance.
Texas passed a bill allowing insurance companies to issue Paid Family Leave coverage in the state. Carriers may begin filing their non-statutory PFL insurance product on September 1, 2023.
Once the PFL product is approved, insurance carriers can offer TX PFL to employers in Texas on a voluntary basis beginning January 2024.
Coverage is provided to covered employees for the following leave reasons:
- Birth or adoption of a child
- Placement of a child with the employee for foster care
- Care of a family member with a serious health condition
- Circumstances arising due to the employee’s family member, who is a service-member, being on active duty or notified of an impending call or order to active duty
- To care for certain family members injured in the line of duty
RiskManagers.us can assist plan sponsors in establishing a Paid Family Leave insurance program.
For More Information: RiskManager@RiskManagers.us