New York Times Columnist Responsible For Spike in Cardiac Related Medical Encounters


A New York Times columnist issues proclamations leading to a significant spike in cardiac related medical encounters among it’s broad base of readers. Reader discretion is advised.

Biden has NYT praising Trump

The following post contains praise of President Donald John Trump from a New York Times columnist. People with heart conditions are urged to consult their physicians before reading further.

The New York Times seems stressed these days. The election of Biden as president has failed to usher in a reign of 1,000 years by the left. We are not through his first year yet, and it feels like the final legs of a second term when the opposition controls Congress and all your appointees are mailing out resumes.Biden’s accomplishments to date are:

  • Surrendering Afghanistan.
  • An invasion along our southern border.
  • Bidenflation.
  • Eating ice cream.

Only one of those accomplishments does not imperil every Democrat in Washington. And I left out the covid calamity, calling parents terrorists, empty store shelves, and proposed payments of $450,000 to illegal aliens. Democrats lost governor’s races in ice blue New Jersey and Virginia (although they discovered enough ballots in New Jersey in the last moment to keep that governor’s mansion Democrat).

NYT is in a panic.

Columnist Thomas Edsall wrote, “when Biden took office in January, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the inflation rate was 1.4%; as of October this year, the rate had risen to 6.2%.

“Perhaps nothing better encapsulates the problems Democrats face than the price of gas at the pump, which has risen, in the nearly 10 months Biden has been in the White House, to as high as $4.21 a gallon in California, $3.94 in Nevada and upward of $3.60 across the Mountain West.

“And no one foreshadows the dangers ahead more succinctly than Larry Summers. In his Nov. 15 Washington Post column, Summers, a former secretary of the Treasury, warned: ‘Excessive inflation and a sense that it was not being controlled helped elect Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, and risks bringing Donald Trump back to power.'”

Inflation coupled with empty store shelves may mean a quick exit for Biden.

As James Carville said, “It’s the economy, stupid. And that means inflation, the supply chain troubles and the inability of the Democrats to extend the social safety net in an incremental fashion.”

But Biden also lost Afghanistan.

Stephen Ansolabehere, a professor of government at Harvard, said, the infrastructure bill may alleviate the hit on Bidenflation, but he added, “the hit from Afghanistan is going to be harder to reverse, as it was a judgment about the administration’s handling of foreign affairs.”

Inflation + bad foreign policy = Jimmy Carter’s fate.

Now, remember that warning at the top of this post? It begins in this next paragraph. Reader discretion is advised.

Another NYT columnist, Bret Stephens, took on the fallout from the Russiagate hoax.

He wrote, “This month’s bombshell indictment of Igor Danchenko, the Russian national who is charged with lying to the F.B.I. and whose work turns out to have been the main source for Christopher Steele’s notorious dossier, is being treated as a major embarrassment for much of the news media — and, if the charges stick, that’s exactly what it is.

“Put media criticism aside for a bit. What this indictment further exposes is that James Comey’s F.B.I. became a Bureau of Dirty Tricks, mitigated only by its own incompetence — like a mash-up of Inspector Javert and Inspector Clouseau. Donald Trump’s best move as president (about which I was dead wrong at the time) may have been to fire him.”

Did you ever think NYT would allow anyone on its staff to praise President Trump?

I didn’t either.

Stephens is the coyote caught in the trap. He’s gnawing off his foot to escape.

Of course, Comey is not Inspector Clouseau. He is Lavrentiy Beria, who headed Stalin’s secret police — executing all enemies real or imaginary for the Great One.

Stephens wrote, “If you are a certain kind of reader — probably conservative — who has closely followed the Durham investigation, none of the above will come as news. But I’m writing this column for those who haven’t followed it closely, or who may have taken a keener interest in tales about Trump being Russia’s puppet than in evidence that, for all of his many and grave sins, he was the victim of a gigantic slander abetted by the F.B.I.”

Translation: The jig is up and Stephens is not going to carry Biden’s water any more.

Finally, I was amused by this story in the Epoch Times:

Paul Krugman, Nobel-prize winning economist and New York Times columnist, has conceded that his prediction that the inflationary wave now battering American households would be benign was wrong and he “didn’t see the current surge coming,” though he continues to see the upward price pressures as “transitory.”

Krugman made the admission in a series of posts on Twitter, which come days after Labor Department data showed consumer price inflation vaulted to an over-the-year 6.2% in October, the highest pace in nearly 31 years.

“I got inflation wrong,” Krugman wrote. “I didn’t see the current surge coming.”

Offering an explanation, Krugman said he “didn’t think the fiscal stimulus early this year would boost demand as much as Summers et al predicted,” he added referring to former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, who was early to sound the alarm on the current bout of surging prices and has been a vocal critic of the Fed’s easy-money policies.

I remind readers that Krugman predicted a worldwide stock market crash on the night Trump was elected.
There are only two trades where you can be wrong all the time and still keep your job: economics professor and newspaper columnist.

Krugman is both. Biden is neither. NYT may not be bailing on Biden, but it sure is sending a strong warning to him.