TO:             Reference Based Pricing plan members

FROM:       Human Resources Department

SUBJECT:  How to Avoid Egregious Hospital Balance Billing Practices

Some plan members have experienced threatening creditors clamoring for more money than our plan allowed and paid medical caregivers. As a reminder, our plan pays more than what Medicare pays. Almost all medical providers in the United States accept Medicare payment without balance billing their patients for any more money.

Although our plan will attempt to assist members undergoing stress due to aggressive creditors along with the threat of ruined credit, it will help if you understand why your plan pays what it does (it’s fair, transparent and defensible) and what you can do to stop creditors in their tracks by one simple method.

This simple method is described here: Quizzify Earns Total Victory In Surprise Bill Dispute

Make sure to carry the following statement in your purse or wallet in case you are asked to sign papers before receiving medical treatment. Write the following on the form before you sign it and return to the claim intake clerk:

Superseding other consents, I consent to responsibility (including insurance) for up to 1.5 times Medicare following receipt of an itemized bill for appropriate treatment.”