Medicare for All – Being Cost Efficient Gets Incredible Results


Universal health care, Medicare for All, will establish cost efficiency that eliminates major medical bills and medical related bankruptcies

It will simplify our way of paying for health care and lower the total cost for the United States. It will be good for the physical and financial health of Americans and America.

All other 29 free-market countries (1) implemented their versions of universal health care between 1883 and 1972. Their citizens of all ages get health care and have life expectancies significantly longer than ours. They pay less than half of the per-person cost of the United States, which pays 250% (2.5 times) the cost per person of the other countries. Their efficient way to pay for health care helps their economically competitiveness, including contributing to the movement of some of our health care and manufacturing activities that are now conducted in their countries.

Does this seem like something the United States should have?
Our universal health care can:
— replace Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act.
— be a dramatically improved version of the Medicare that we have now.
— be the best universal health care in the world.

We need to establish strong support among the members of the United States Congress for the establishment of universal health care, health care for all ages, via an Improved Medicare for All.

We will launch a campaign to help get the support in the U.S. Congress that is needed.

You can sign up to be notified when the campaign starts.

All the best to you,

– The Medicare for All Campaign Management Team