Many Agents and Brokers Are Still Uncertain About “REFERENCE BASED PRICING”

Breaking The Status Quo

Allied National employer groups are proving beyond the shadow of a doubt that the Freedom Plan (our reference based pricing reimbursement) is a better, lower cost, solution than traditional PPO networks.

Since 1-1-2017………

85.5% of all new Allied National cases have been written with the Freedom Plan

More than 70% of our renewals have shifted from a traditional PPO to referenced based pricing

Allied National has paid over $100,000,000 in medical claims under the Freedom Plan

Our frequency of balance bills from providers is less than 1%

Yes, a few providers are pushing back………………….BUT brokers and employers are pushing back harder………by changing providers!

Reference Based Pricing is working!  Time to get on board!


Daniel R. Meylan, National Sales Director

Direct Line 913-945-4253 – Cell 719-338-6466